To manage your personal and professional life it is very important to sync Bigpond email contacts and calendar in your device. To sync Bigpond email contacts and calendar in device here are few steps to be followed:
- Access account settings: First of all the user have to open the setting option on the device. After opening the Setting option go to “Accounts” or “Email section”.
- Adding account: To add the account the user have to select “Add Account” or “Add Email Account
- Choose account type and enter account information: The user have to select “Email” or “Exchange” as the account type and enter your valid Bigpond email address and password.
- Set up Mail Server: The user have to enter the incoming mail server settings in Bigpond. These settings are generally provided by the user email service provider or IPS (internet service provider). The user have to enter details manually like:
- Incoming server type (IMAP or POP3).
- Incoming server address (e.g., imap.bigpond.com or pop3.bigpond.com).
- Port number (e.g., 993 for IMAP or 995 for POP3).
- Security type (SSL/TLS)
- Setup outgoing Mail server (SMTP): The users have to enter outgoing mail server settings for Bigpond. The settings are as follows
- Outgoing server address (e.g., smtp.bigpond.com).
- Port number (e.g. 465 or 587)
- Security type (SSL/TLS)
- Configure Sync settings: A user have to decide how they want their device to sync with the Bigpond email server. The user can set the sync interval to systematically update the email and calendar.
- Setting up contacts and calendar: The user have to configure the synchronization of contacts as well as calendar depending upon the device and apps. Most of the time, the system will notity user to sync contacts and calendar.
- Testing the account: After the configuration process is complete, the user device will try to verify and connect to the Bigpond email server automatically. By sending the test mail the user can be sure that account setup is correctly.
- Access calendar and contacts: If the user account is set up and verified then the user can access to their Bigpond email, contact and calendar through their respective app on their device.
The points which are mentioned above may vary based upon their device’s operating system such as Android, IOS, windows etc. Incase if the user encounter issues regarding sync Bigpond email contacts and calendar in device. Our Bigpond Customer Care will assist you and resolve the issues.