+61 (3) 70440719 Bigpond Password Reset without Email Access

Telstra Bigpond Email service is one of the best email services across the world. Its features and services are so reliable that the hackers do stand no chance to break Telstra Protection Wall’s security. Hence, your data remains 100% safe and secured. To serve its internet users well, Telstra launched this email services called Bigpond Email. Although the benefits are smooth and quite efficient and have no significant issues, sometimes, they might face trouble using the Bigpond services due to user’s mistakes.

One of the most commonly reported problems by the users was that they could not retrieve their Bigpond Mail Password or change their passwords. Telstra has defined a simplest way to retrieve Bigpond email password to help its users with instant support. By following these more straightforward steps, any user can regain access to their account’s login credentials. If you face problems while accessing your Telstra Bigpond Mail Account, you can recover your password through the steps mentioned below.

  • Firstly, open your computer and open your favorite browser or available browser.
  • Visit the official website by entering the valid URL or just searching or Bigpond on google search engine and clicking on the login button.
  • Click on forget password under the credentials field.
  • Enter your username or email address of Bigpond.
  • Enter the date of birth. (Date of birth must match with the date you have submitted while registering for the account.)
  • After entering all the credentials required, click on the Next button.
  • Enter the temporary password. ( Enter when asked.)
  • You will be able to access and change the password.
  • Scroll a bit to find the mailing account option. On the mailing account option, click on change the password.
  • Enter your new password and click on the change password button.

These are the steps for recovering your password in Bigpond mail. If you do not have an email address to retrieve, follow the following below.

  • Visit the official website of Bigpond mail and click on the support option.
  • On the support page, click on the category and select an email option.
  • Follow to the redirected page and click on manage and then click on change a mailbox password.
  • On this new page, you can reset your account.
  • If you have forgotten your username, you will need your email address—Telstra home phone number and birth date.
  • If you have forgotten the password, then you will need your username and date of birth.

These are the step-by-step instructions that a user can follow to reset the Bigpond Email password without email access. This must solve the issue related. If not, then please feel free to contact the Bigpond Customer Support Number.

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